I know there's a new feature called theme designer...
...and the documentation says this:
To download Cognos Theme Designer and its documentation, go to IBM developerWorks® (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks) and search for "IBM Cognos Theme Designer".
...but, I can't find any such download.
Anyone been able to find this tool?
Good morning,
I believe this is what you're looking for:
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24035533 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24035533)
Has anyone got this to work ?
I keep getting :
Unable to load http://localhost/ibmcognos/themedesigner/configuration/applications/default/application.json status:404
●DetailsScope: PreviewConfig.getPreviewConfiguraton
Status: 404
When I open Theme Designer interface.
ah! ...thanks kc9400. That's the ticket.
I had no problem getting that to work.
@Hardstep: Have you registered the mime-type JSON... Read the documentation... It's described...
Hi there
Struggling to find link to any documentation on this via the link above ?.
I'd be very happy to RTFM... If there was an easy way to find it !!! ;-)
The docs are included in the download. PDF format.
If you are using isapi it doesn't work!
Undocumented workaround is to pass the gateway into the URL, ie:
I fought through this issue too. Upgrade to Theme Designer 10.2.2. But you will still need to use full URL to make it work.
FYI: Using server name made it work while localhost did not... not sure why but can try both ways.
Environment was Window 2012 with IIS.