Hi all,
In the macro I have been discussing in my other posts, I have been using "@AddLocalPreSelection" as my choice to choose a date that will apply across multiple cubes within the macro. However, for some reason, I am running into a problem with it NOT affecting a cube that is in a different library than the macro is in. Will this function only work with cubes in a macro that are within the same library the macro is in??
Here is an excerpt of my macro:
@AddLocalPreSelection("Preselect";{Selection from D-List Baseline.4 Months})
@DcubeOpen({Selection from D-Cube PLCA.OPERATING INCOME})
@DCubeExport("G: --- truncated --- Operating Income Last Published.csv)
@DCubeOpen({Selection From D-Cube Baseline.Executive Summary})
@DCubeExport("G: --- truncated --- Executive Summary Last Published.csv)
"Baseline" and "PLCA" are two different libraries.
Sure would appreciate any help on any of my posts. Thanks a lot!