Hi All,
We are facing intermittent error while running report from cognos server. These reports are scheduled reports and it connects to oracle 11g DB. we are using batch report service to run the reports
Here is the error from cogserver log: 18718 2013-10-04 00:48:01.374 -8 77FDADE515F53718F7F465E87494D7F6FC6A55A0 4Mysv8wvv2GyqwCs4GwGGwMG9qlqw4vGvC9MMvG2 4Mysv8wvv2GyqwCs4GwGGwMG9qlqw4vGvC9MMvG2 -178787440 RSVP 6235 1 Audit.RTUsage.RSVP Response Report BatchReportService Failure RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlScrollBulkFetch' status='-232'. RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlScrollBulkFetch' status='-232'.UDA-SQL-0023 The connection to the "EDS2" database has been terminated due to an unrecoverable error.ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 21008 Session ID: 6672 Serial number: 16377 UDA-CUR-0000 Unable to fetch the row.
This error is intermittent and only few reports are failing.
Any help would be really appreciated?
It's not the UDA error you should be chasing. It's the "ORA-03113" error you should be looking into. There is most likely an Oracle patch to resolve the error in your specific release of Oracle. "Google'ing" that error yielded several results.
Here's a few to get you started: