Hi All,
I'm new to cognos Admin. and i was wondering if you guys can help me.
I dont have any specific question i just want to know as a cognos admin, what are the daily tasks or list of things i should keep an eye out for.
Are there anything daily maintenance or upkeep type of tasks that i need to be aware of as a admin. basically anything i should know to get me started, im reading a lot of article online about it but it seems like they're more broad if you guys can help me out it will be greatly appreciated thanks!
Just make sure the damn thing keeps running. ;)
Keep an eye out for core dumps and java cores.
Make sure the users aren't doing stupid things like running a report via a schedule every 10 seconds.
Shtuff like that.
You can become familiar with some of the on-going tasks by reviewing various topics within the Cognos documentation.
Setup system metrics too.
Wanna take that to the next level?
Kick it up a notch. You cannot post a link for which Grim cannot do one better.
I applaud you, sir. 8)
Thank you all very much!