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Scorecarding and Dashboard Software => COGNOS Metrics Manager => Topic started by: crn.professional on 22 May 2007 06:50:09 PM

Title: Metric Manager Server studio installation Issues.
Post by: crn.professional on 22 May 2007 06:50:09 PM
I have installed, report studio, query studio, analysis studio separately on a single server windows 2003 and sql server. when I try to add metric studio (Metric Manager server) system says, installation completed successfully, but when I click on Metric studio link in the cognos connection or new metric package icon in cognos connection, system comes out with an error message like the following.

       The Metrics Management Service encountered an internal error.


'com/cognos/cgs/FrameWork/CGSMain' WHILE configuring CMM WHILE configuring CPMS application 

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Title: Re: Metric Manager Server studio installation Issues.
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 22 May 2007 06:59:02 PM
Did you install to the same location as the other server?
Title: Re: Metric Manager Server studio installation Issues.
Post by: crn.professional on 22 May 2007 08:10:42 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I installed it in the same location and answered yes to take a backup of the changed files.
with this installation (a). I can metric studio link in the cognos connection, (b). new metric package icon in the tool bar (c). Metric studio services in tools > server administration > services
with all these I am not able to run metric studio new package wizard. Any idea?
Thanks for your help
Title: Re: Metric Manager Server studio installation Issues.
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 23 May 2007 06:01:19 PM
What is the memory setting for your Cognos 8 JVM? If it is above 1280, reset to 1024 or 1280 and restart your service, then try again.
Title: Re: Metric Manager Server studio installation Issues.
Post by: djones on 31 May 2007 05:54:56 PM
Have you created your Metric Store database?  Remember that Metric Studio and Report Studio store their data in different databases.  It sounds like your service is up and running, indicating that your environment is ready for you to begin using Metrics Studio, however, you need to create your own Metric Studio database to store metrics object data and metric values.