I need to use jquery in a custom login form that i am creating but i cant find a way to do it.
I have tried including the script tag but nothing happens:
<script src="/cognos/ps/login/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
I can successfully include custom css in the login xhtml page but javascript of any kind.
Standard javascript works though.
I also tried this:
but no effect.
Does anyone know how the login html is being build?
If i do a view page source there are a lot of things that i dont have in my xhtml..
If you want to customize the login page there are Proven Practice articles for that.
See here:
Yeap i have been reading all these, BUT i will have to use standard Javascript in order to do anything i want.
Currently i am using standard javascript but i want to use jQuery for more complex situation , and i dont want to write pages of std js...
If someone knows how the login page is "generated" would be of great help...