We are in a Cognos 8.4.1 FP4 (BI) FP2 (EP) distributed environment. On our Planning App server, I see the following in the cogserver.log: 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.126 -6 0 Thread-20 jcam 9999 1 Audit.RTUsage.cms.CAM.CRP.jcam CallEnd Failure <messages><message><messageString><![CDATA[CAM-CRP-1091 Unable to request the common symmetric key from the remote content store using the following URI: 'http://bia4-na-asc.bfusa.com:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch'. Reason: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -4]]</messageString></message></messages> 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure check signature failed: salted => true 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure validate and extract CAF cookie passport list failed: passport list => [Sensitive data suppressed. Enable tracing to obtain original.] 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure check signature failed: string => 383179|101:b2a7c48b-0df5-8fd5-1e75-7b8d89624b38:1846142605|101:c2f764c2-d741-a837-f246-5f7e7a2189bc:1073547983 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure unwrap and check signature failed: web64 decoded value => CAFA3c0000006eFAAAALIXcsRfrXB3Gmzejxq0QZKigjNoakb4lX3mpN2JZEAR86MsJ3*1ITA_383179|101:b2a7c48b-0df5-8fd5-1e75-7b8d89624b38:1846142605|101:c2f764c2-d741-a837-f246-5f7e7a2189bc:1073547983 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure pure HMAC check failed: details => CAM crypto message - CAM-CRP-1091 Unable to request the common symmetric key from the remote content store using the following URI: 'http://bia4-na-asc.bfusa.com:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch'. Reason: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -4 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure failed to validate CAF cookie passport list - setting empty list: CAF cookie => [Sensitive data suppressed. Enable tracing to obtain original.] 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure check signature failed: hmac => FAAAALIXcsRfrXB3Gmzejxq0QZKigjNoakb4lX3mpN2JZEAR86MsJ3*1ITA_ 3192 2013-09-17 14:28:13.142 -6 Thread-20 caf 6008 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure check signature failed: passport => null
However, we have been able to open budgets, etc., as we are primarily a Planning shop. I did recently post another issue we've just started experiencing that may be related, but I'm not sure:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Anything with crypto I usually try regenerating the keys first. It's quick and easy to do.
Otherwise check the other thread.
I did a quick search on the error and there are various causes and fixes. So unfortunately it's hard to recommend anything else.
Reset the Crypto Keys and still experiencing the same issues...
Are you using Oracle as your content store? Some searching found that a bad/incorrect Oracle driver has caused "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" errors.
It seems to be an issue getting to the content store from the app machine. Do you have anything configured on the app server to the Content Store? Notification? That you could right click and test to see if you get the same error?
failed to validate CAF cookie passport list - setting empty list: CAF cookie
Looks like some items from network are getting stripped out. May want to make sure the network path from app to cm does not route outside the local segment - it should be 1-2 hops to CM with no IPs outside the local net. (in windwos, tracert command will show that)