For about 1600 users (say 10% concurrent users i.e. 160) ; what should be the hardware configuration for a new: Cognos 10.1.1 server?
Prit -
It depends on how many Cognos components you are going to use on that server. Assuming this would be used only
for BI Server and the client/development tools would be on another server, even then it depends on how much local processing is required for reports. If the environment is in a perfect world that requires only database processing (which I doubt) and a perfect star schema and all those goodies that we never see in real life, then even 8 GB RAM would work.
I would suggest 16 GB RAM and multiple processors to use multiple dispacthers effectively. Hard to say without more info.
Thanks for your prompt response.
Assuming this would be used only for BI Server and the client/development tools would be on another server- [Prit] Yes
even then it depends on how much local processing is required for reports -[Prit] Most of the reports requires local processing since there are a lot of calculated items, unions etc in the report layer
If you see the attachement, it described the default Hardware Requirments for Cognos 10.1.1v installation. Which i believe is just a proof of concept(POC) invironment specification.
As I said,
- In my project there are 1600 users (10% concurrent).
The underlying DB tables are huge having 30 million rows.
Report studio reports are having heavy derived KPI's.
There are confirmed dimenssions sharing such huge Fact Tables, meaning cognos would require local processing forwriting stitch quries.
We also have data/object level securities.
At least 200 reports would be scheduled in a daily basis.
And what would be your recomendation on 'Distribution Options for IBM Cognos BI'?
Many thanks for your help indeed.
I won't go by what is mentioned in the user guide for default hardware configuration. The documentation does not get updated when the new versions are released. Even the page nos mentioned in the docs are mostly wrong indicating some portion of the doc gets updated and other portions do not. There is no way it will work with 2 GB.
I have a client that has similar scenario as yours and they have 16 GB.