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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Anantula on 10 Sep 2013 01:20:18 AM

Title: Active Report Period filter option as slider or tab control to limit queries
Post by: Anantula on 10 Sep 2013 01:20:18 AM
Hello All,

We have a report studio report with prompts Regions/State/City, Periods to select daily or Month to date. Daily returns the data for Yesterday, Month to Date returns the current month data till Yesterday. We have performance issues with this report and migrating it to Active Report and making if offline.

I almost completed my report with no issues, and used period option as a tab control.
If I go for tab control, I have to use multiple decks and need to repeat all my queries with different period filters and which I really don't want to do. (One set queries are using daily filter, other set are using month to date filter.)

Is there any way we make single set of queries to work for both "daily/month to date" when selecting period option by using it as slider or any etc?
Please advise?

BTW, report is using relational package as data source, below are the date filters in different queries:

Daily Query:
[Calendar Date] = _add_days (current_date, -1)

Month to Date Query:
[Calendar Date] between [First of Month] and _add_days (current_date, -1)

Thank you.

Title: Re: Active Report Period filter option as slider or tab control to limit queries
Post by: MC Paris on 28 Sep 2013 03:45:39 AM

I understand that the analyze is data for Yesterday or MTD till Yesterday.

My proposal:
- use a deck : 1 page for Yesterday data and 1 page for MTD. In each page use Regions/State/City selection by Data Check Box Group... to filter dynamically the list 
- make 2 buttons or a menu to let the user choose wich analyze to make

Your 2 queries are only use 1 time.

Sorry for my english, I am french...