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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: kc9400 on 09 Sep 2013 09:27:37 AM

Title: Advice on what we need to buy.....
Post by: kc9400 on 09 Sep 2013 09:27:37 AM
Ok so, currently running Cognos 8.4.1 and framework manager. We create reports and deploy them. We have a test environment, a production environment and an adhoc environment also. The idea is obviously to upgrade to Cognos 10

I've spoke with IBM and they've advised that we would need to purchase the following:

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 - D55W8LL - $ PER PVU

IBM Rational Software Architect Version 8.5.1 - D0DA2LL - £ Per User

IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1 - 3 Parts needed.

D06YDLL IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Business Analyst Limited Use
Processor Value Unit (PVU) License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
£ per pvu

D06YRLL Cognos Business Intelligence Business Author Limited Use Processor
Value Unit (PVU) License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months  £
per pvu

D06YZLL IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Business Manager Limited Use
Processor Value Unit (PVU) License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
£ per pvu

I''m not 100% sure this is the correct purchase for us, if anyone could advise that would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to avoid spending if it's not things that are 100% required. Does anyone have further information regarding what these include?

Title: Re: Advice on what we need to buy.....
Post by: MFGF on 09 Sep 2013 11:04:21 AM

I'm not sure about the Websphere and Rational pieces. What you have been quoted for seems to be all-you-can-eat user licenses allowing use of Analysis Studio, Query Studio and Metrics Studio for all and sundry - as many as your server can physically support.

I'd have to say this is unusual - normally you have one or two named professional authors (who can use RS), a dozen or so named business analyst/author/manager licenses who can use the relevant studio for authoring, and everyone else is a consumer (or enhanced consumer) on a PVU license. Do all your users really utilise all three studios (Analysis/Query/Metrics)? Could any of your Query Studio users get by with the simplistic filtering/change display type capabilities in Cognos Workspace?

I'm surprised you need to spend anything if you simply want the same functionality in 10 you currently have in 8. Normally your current licenses will just move up unchanged.


Title: Re: Advice on what we need to buy.....
Post by: kc9400 on 19 Nov 2013 09:55:14 AM
The company isn't very large, I basically build reports and then users run them from a Iframe. There isn't anyone else involved in the process.

Like I say small company.

Anyway thanks for your advice and apologies for the long delay in response. I managed to find out who it was that had installed and setup the previous versions (someone who isn't even in our company) and they have sorted out sending what they believe to be the correct installations etc for what we need.

The fun will begin with setting it all up and venturing into areas I've never even touched.

I'll have plenty of time to work it all out as the server it is currently on will stay up until I'm done so not too much pressure thankfully on this occasion.

Title: Re: Advice on what we need to buy.....
Post by: MFGF on 19 Nov 2013 11:52:34 AM
You're a small company? If you only have a small user base, I'd humbly suggest that PVU licenses are an extortionately expensive option for licensing in that case. You'd probably find the Named User license model a much more attractive option if you only have a few users. I think generally the breakeven point for PVU based licensing vs named user licensing is around the 200 user mark - certainly over 100. Do you have this many users?