Hi all,
I have changed the user's password(Active Directory) recently, now that particular user not able to send an email through report viewer. KB suggests to renew the user credential, but user can't renew his credentials b'coz owner is Administrator.
Being adminstrator myself , i went into user's properties like General tab,Personal tab ,Permission tab ....i couldn't find anywhere to Renew option.........
.......your help is much appreciated.
For first time.....
Tools> MyPreferences>Personal>create credentile>Renew the credentile
If you already been there then the options should be like this
Tools> MyPreferences>Personal>Renew the credentile
Even scheduling also fails if the user didnt renew the credentials. No need to be an administrator to renew the credentials. Ask the user to follow the steps shri has explained.
Thanks for reply guys...
I tired this before...like login as a user then goto Tools> MyPreferences>Personal>Renew the credential....
but the problem is i can't see the link for Renew the credential.... as i mentioned before i made administrator as a owner. If you made administrator as a owner for any user, that user won't be able to renew the credentials. ...
so i am trying to find a way how administrator can renew the user's credentials...?
thanks again
Found the solution......Just have to allow the user Set Policy permission. And then login as user, then Tools->Preference->Personal tab-> Renew user Credentials.
Thanks for input guys.........