Hi, how could I use an image in Cognos 10.1 to select Card Decks?
More detail:
we have this template report in 10.2 Instead of buttons, they created this nice looking images and put it inside a Static Repeater Table (they did not like the default look of the buttons).
Anyway how can I simulate the functionality of a Static Repeater Table (10.2) in 10.1?
Thanks in advance.
The static repeater table 10.1 cannot be used as a dynamic active report item like in 10.2
I had a very similar request and found a solution by doing following:
- Create query that has all button-texts in one query-item (by creating a union of different queries, each one with one button-text).
- Create a crosstab with one single row and putting the button-text-query-item on the rows
- Create a deck below the crosstab with the same deck card-names as the button-texts
- Link the crosstab with the deck by setting the selection behaviour in the crosstab and the container select behaviour in the deck.
You can now modify the look of the buttons by creating a block around the button-text and so on...
This works only with texts.
I also added an image to the crosstab by adding a crosstab intersection, defining the content and adding a html-item including the image and a hyperlink.
Hope this helps...