Hello everyone,
A coworker installed IBM Cognos BI 10.2 (All components: App Tier, Gateway, Content Manager, Cognos Content Database) on Server1.
I installed a second instance of IBM Cognos BI (only the Application Tier) on Server2 because I want to add a dispatcher.
Everything seems to be working fine on Server1, however when i START the services on Server2 the database connections cannot be made however the dispatcher still gets registered. (FYI I am using SQL Server 2008 as logging, content manager, and notification database)
I get the following errors:
[ERROR] IPFTEST-006 Logging failed to connect to Database:jdbc:JSQLConnect://-----"------:1433/DBAudit
[Validate Database Connection Properties]
[ERROR] The database connection cannot be made
Failed Logon -----------"-------------: TCP/IP connection failed to host:---------------------"---------------------: Login failed for user --------------------"-------------------
[Start Service]
[ERROR] IBM Cognos Configuration did not receive a response from the IBM Cognos service in the time allotted.
Check that IBM Cognos Service is available and properly configured
Please Help, Thank you in advance!
Right click your Audit DB connection in Cog Config and click test.
Sounds to me like the userid and/or password to connect to the DB is incorrectly entered.