Anyone aware of a patch / upgrade path from 10.2 to 10.2.1 or are people having to rebuild servers?
I have upgraded from 10.2 to 10.2.1. But I have to uninstall 10.2 and install the new version.
Always a new install. -.-
We (My company) has had a long discussion with the IBM Cognos Product Management team on providing upgrade paths rather than always providing a new install. I won't go into details but this is the biggest pet peeve we have ATM.
For a release pack (RP) release you need to uninstall/resinstall Cognos 10. If/when fix packs (FP) are released, these normally install into the current instance of Cognos 10. 10.2.1 is Release Pack 1 for 10.2, so involves the uninstall/reinstall approach.
Thanks guys, not the answer I was looking for but kind of what I expected. Something to look forward to next week.