Hello all,
I've recently upgraded a Cognos Planning server from 10.1.1 to 10.1.1 FP2. However, after some issues I rolled back the update to the previous incarnation. Now when I try to start the service, I get the following message displayed in Cognos Configuration:
Unable to create the object with ProgID 'EAdminSQL7_10.SQL7' (request was for 'EAdminSQL7_%v.SQL7')
Automation error
ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
There are no issues with connectivity to the Planning Store database and no other changes have been implemented on this server.
Any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Hey Dev,
It looks like perhaps the install is no longer stable, in that required files may not be present or certain .dll and .ocx files in the bin directory are no longer registered... With that said, how did you perform the rollback? Uninstall completely and reinstall, or did you restore a backup of the install directory?
Hi Eric,
The Fix Pack was rolled back by copying the contents of the relevant "Backup > Uninstall" directory into the Cognos Planning install directory. This was done while the service was stopped.
Trying to start it again this morning and the full message reads as follows:
[Planning Store]
[ ERROR ] 8000fff: Could not hydrate connection document.
80040111: Unable to create the object with ProgID 'EAdminSQL7_10.SQL7' (request was for 'EAdminSQL7_%v.SQL7')
Hey Dev,
Just in my experience, but planning does not roll back nicely using the Backup > Uninstall method. You can try re-registering all of the ocx and dll files in the bin directory, but if that doesn't work you'll want to redo the planning install on that machine.
*Note: You can uninstall the software and reinstall, leaving the IBM folder intact which will preserve all of your configuration information.
An easy way to re-register the files is to run this command from a .bat or .cmd file:
FOR %%1 IN (*.DLL) DO REGSVR32 /S %%1
*Note: change *.dll to *.ocx after the first run to re-register the OCX files..
Update: you want to put the .bat or .cmd file into the bin directory of the cognos install.
Thanks for the tip. We had a snapshot of the server prior to the fix pack install, so we rolled back to that and the service is running fine. I'll make note of the command you outlined above for future reference.
Appreciate the assistance!
Hey Dev,
Good to hear and you're welcome! Thankfully more and more server environments are virtual and you have the option to revert back to an older snapshot. :)
Also, I modified my last post, forgot to mention you need to but the cmd or bat file into the bin directory.