good day,
i am new to transformer. i am looking at the sample great outdoors company cube (Great Outdoors Sales.mdl). i don't understand the following:
-data sources are all csv/excel.
-there is a sales target available for each product line, product type, product if you open the cube in a studio.
-if you look at the sales target data source, it is information on sales target for branch, employee.
-i am not seeing how transformer knows the sales target for each line, type and product?
if it knows employee john smith has a sales target of $15, how does it know he has a sales target of $3 for camping equipment? what am i missing?
in other words, shouldn't the sales target data source have an additional field for product name code or whatever they call it? i just don't get where these numbers are coming from... ie breakdown per product per employee or something...
like I said, I am new to this.. but I think i got it.. they appear to be allocated measures... i have to read more on that.. but i assume it means that transformer somehow automagically "allocates" parts of the total across the members. i will have to read up on that.. but something along those lines i think.