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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: unknown on 08 Aug 2013 02:09:19 PM

Title: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: unknown on 08 Aug 2013 02:09:19 PM
Hello there,
I created an active report in ReportStudio(RS) and saved as *.mht file on my local machine and when i try to open it through various versions of IE, it throws a HAL error with bunch of strings missing.
if this info helps, if i try to validate a blank active report with absolutely no objects in it would result in this error...
" RSV-VAL-0010 Failed to load the report specification. CCL_ASSERT_NAMED(outputFormat == eFormatXHTML, "Report application does not support this output format.");"
we actually worked on creating some templates for our business lines and made modifications to "Templates.xml" and "Resources.xml". I'm wondering if that has to do anything with our active reports not able to open.
But our regular reports work absolutely fine.
Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: MFGF on 08 Aug 2013 03:49:43 PM
Do you still get the same issue if you put the original templates.xml and resources.xml files back and restart the Cognos 10 service?

Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: unknown on 08 Aug 2013 04:57:29 PM
MF, we edited those xml's only in dev and test but not in prod. and yet we see that error in prod as well. on top of that, when i am working with active report objects, the response gets slower. i mean it gets worse progressively as i add on active report controls.
Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: MFGF on 09 Aug 2013 05:05:22 AM
How large is the mht file that is getting rendered? Does your report contain a lot of charts?

Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: unknown on 09 Aug 2013 09:31:45 AM
not more than 2MB. as of now i have 10 charts and when i add anymore it slows down intolerably
Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: MFGF on 09 Aug 2013 11:40:22 AM
You have 10 charts? Are they on a deck or data deck, by any chance? If so, you need to multiply the number of charts by number of possible cards to see how many your report mht will contain when rendered.

2Mb sounds too small for a report mht containing even 10 charts. Can you check it's not 20Mb or 100Mb?

Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: unknown on 09 Aug 2013 01:00:05 PM
I am using a deck with 4 charts in each card and 2 other in another. yes it does show ~1.xMB. as the file size.
Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: Satheesh on 22 Aug 2013 03:07:39 AM

That may be Because of System Problem...need to change System Settings...

Are you facing for all MHT files or Only One...???

Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: unknown on 11 Sep 2013 02:18:02 PM
apparently there is a problem the way i was trying to save earlier. i was clicking on the File menu in the browser and then selecting the save option from there.doing so it saves the file with .mht extension but it wont give the exact size of the file and it wont open either.

Figured out to save it in another way, like saving the report version from the cognos connection and downloading it from there. that way our file size came aroung 60 MB.

so my question is can we use Cubes as data source for authoring active reports? if so are there any recommended practices to follow?

Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: bdbits on 11 Sep 2013 04:06:38 PM
An active report is a self-contained entity with no connection to a data source. Thus it really does not matter if the data is coming from a database, a cube, or a text file. Whatever data is needed to support your active report is going to end up in the mht file. But yes, you can use a cube as a source for data.

On saving the active report, were you using the browser's File>Save? That is browser functionality to save any web page as an MHT file. Cognos uses the same format for active report output, that's all. You can save the output from within Report Studio using the studio's Run>Download Active Report menu.
Title: Re: Saved Active Report Fails To Open
Post by: MC Paris on 28 Sep 2013 03:28:14 AM

the Cognos Mobile 10.2.1 allowed bigger Active report