Hello all I am new in this forum and Cognos world.
This weekend the OS crashed and we recovered the most part of the implementation, but the Personal NewsBox were gone. :(
We just have the OS files backup. But at the moment we try to override the ObjectStore and upfront directory, even the news boxes are still there, the links do not work and the information under Impromptu report server is gone.
Could someone help please? Thanks a lot in advance.
Without a proper backup? Almost impossible. You may reach out to some Velocis and Object Store gurus out there, but without special one-off code you won't be able to.
Hello thanks for your answer.
I raised a call with Cognos support and they told me this procedure I did and it worked great. I hope it will be usefull if someone has the same problem.
Once you have installed the new server.
You can get from your recovered tape the directory.
something like ..\Cognos\certX\upfront\datastore
It is a good idea backup this directory before proceed. =)
You need to stop the services under the configuration manager replace that directory \datastore with the one who contains all your report missing information.
Start the services again.
And I was able to recover everuthing.
The key is just to override this directory who contains the main data. I guess once upfront service is up it recalculate the links automatically.
Hope this note helps in the future.
Best regards.
You were lucky, I think. These files are always in use, especially under heavy load. So in a case fo OS crash, they could have been in any state, including "dirty".
Anyhow, thanks for sharing and make backups at least weekly ... ;D