Hi All,
I have migrated Cognos Transformer from 7.4 version to 10.1 by converting IQDs to FM model package.And modified the Tranformer model accordingly.
But after rebuilding the cube Im getting improper date dimension.Deafult date hierarchies are coming wrong.Say for eg Current date is always showing as 27/05/2013 irrespective when im building it.(Pls note same cube in 7.4 version is showing correct dates which uses same DB)
If anyone has done migration ,can you pls advice what could be the issue
Thanks in advance,
Hi Nimmy,
I am new to cubes. Could you pls tell me how to migrate cubes from transformer 7.4 to 1.0 ?
Any links or documents also will help me a lot.
Thanks in advance,
Hi remesh,
i dont have any docs or links as such
im also doing this for the first time with the tips i got from my collegues
i can tell u the tips
if ur 7.4 model might be in pyi format,u need to save it as .mdl and then open this .mdl version in T10
and save it as .pyj
in my scenario I have converted IQDs to FM package.each query subject corresponding to each IQD and published package(no other extra things done in FM model) and published the package
This package i have used as datasource in T10 .pyj model
remapped the FM packge instead of iQDS and no other change in the existing .pyj file
and rebuild the cube.
These were the steps i followed.
Thanks a lot Nimmy :)
i got solution for this issue:)
Cognos Tip – Setting Current Period in Powerplay Transformer
Have you ever had trouble setting current period in a Powerplay Transformer model even though everything looked like it was set up properly? In a multi-query data model, make sure you check all your data sources to be sure that only one of them is marked to "set current period" (right-click your data source and click on the General Tab – a checkbox will show if this data source sets the current period or not). If more than one data source is marked to set current period, your model may not be able to resolve the current period and you could get unexpected results.
A quick way to check your current period availability is to rick-click on the top level of your time dimension, and then click on the Time tab. Your current period should show at the bottom of that screen. If you current period is unresolved, the current period box will show blank. Please note: You will have to generate categories or build the cube at least once for current period to be known in your model.