I would like two different departments to be able to access the same package for their reports.
For example, I have Dept A and Dept B and each have their own folder where they keep their reports. Both departments need to use the same package for their reports. Unfortunately due to political reason beyond my control, Dept A does not want Dept B to see their reports and Dept B does not want Dept A to see theirs. So I thought that I would keep the published package in the Dept A folder and make a shortcut to the package in the Dept B folder. Then I would point all the Dept B reports to the shortcut package.
I am able to create the shortcut in the Dept B folder. However, when I go to link all the reports to the shortcut, it doesn't seem to exist. It is not there to choose. I then tried to create a new report and point it to the shortcut package. Doesn't exist either.
So it looks like I can create a shortcut to a package but can't use it.
The only other solution I can think of is to place the package in a neutral area, give both departments access and let them store their reports in their own folders.
Is there some other way to make this work like I originally attempted? Did I skip a step somewhere? Why can I create a shortcut but not use it? Makes no sense to me.
The security for the package rely's on the security for the folder it resides in.
When you create a shortcut it is nothing more than a link to the original object.
So if the Package exists in a folder that only Dept A has access to no one from Dept B will be able to see it at all - so it even though they can see the Shortcut they can't access the Object the link contains.
What I typically do in this situation is as follows:
Public Folders
Reporting Application
Dept A
Dept B
I give Dept A Read/Write Access to the Dept A folder and Dept B Read/Write Access to the Dept B folder
Both need Read Access to the "Reporting Application" Folder
Both need Read Access to the Packages Folder
When Dept A logs in they will not even know the Dept B folder exists and Dept A will not know the Dept B folder exists.
I usually go a step further and set up Security with my Packages so that the Data Dept A has access to is it's own and the same for Dept B
I also create a Third Group called master that has access to both for those few users that may need access to everything.
Quote from: toddbutt on 27 Jul 2013 04:56:07 PM
The only other solution I can think of is to place the package in a neutral area, give both departments access and let them store their reports in their own folders.
That's better solution.
Just manage permissions on their folders.
Dept A can write/see Dept A folders and can't see Dept B folders, vice versa.
Package under root folder and don't allow them to save in the package.