I have a child report that receives prompts from the parent report. On this child report are several charts that will change based on the parameters passed to it.
I have set the Drill Behavior to the data for these charts to allow the users to drill down to the lowest level of a specific dimension, in this case the dimension is 'Product'.
Also on this child report I have a Tree Prompt with the Product hiearchy, so that if the user wanted to make a change they should be allowed to without having to go back to the parent report.
So I have a filter on the main query for the charts that is basically [Product] in ?Product?....but here comes the problem!!!
Whenever I attempt to drill down on the chart to any level it works fine, but as soon as I change the parameters within the Tree Prompt and Re-run the page, the charts show no data! ???
I am really confused with this one....these reports are using OLAP cubes as the datasource...not sure if that helps.
I hope that someone can assist me with this one....thank you in advance!
Any possibility of re-creating the problem using the sample data? It makes it much easier to visualize and troubleshoot.