Is there any best sites for Cognos Tutorials
The best (and cheapest) training I have found is the computer-base training at the COGNOS.com site.
can any one post the link @ cognos website where we get training?
Iam not sure whether its allowed to post a blog link.
But i've worked hard to make my blog http://cognos-tutorials.blogspot.com (http://cognos-tutorials.blogspot.com) a good resource for Cognos Tutorials.
Pass on your comments for the same.
P.S - Sorry if thsi comment is against the forum policies
Great blog for the beginners .. Appreciate your efforts to make it so easy and valuable .. Thanks for Sharing :)
nice page cognos_wiz!
There is also http://numberstoinfo.blogspot.com (http://numberstoinfo.blogspot.com) I found explanations to some weird behaviours of Cognos and put them there... not everything 100% cognos related though...
Nice collection buddy.
Now I know where you got them ;). Hope you removed the water marks.