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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: cidao on 01 Jul 2013 05:13:52 AM

Title: Problems joining queries
Post by: cidao on 01 Jul 2013 05:13:52 AM
Good Morning,

I need some help. I´m trying to create a report with differentes queries. In the same page, I have two crossboards. One of them is the next:

              Price Area 1
Brand 1
Brand 2

Brand n

The second crossboard would be the next:

            Price Area 2
Brand 1
Brand 2

Brand n

I have to create other crossboard with the price´s difference betwenn both areas, but I have some problems with the union.

Please, could someone help me?

Title: Re: Problems joining queries
Post by: blom0344 on 01 Jul 2013 05:30:41 AM
A union set is not the same as a join query. What problem do you run into and how can we help you?
Title: Re: Problems joining queries
Post by: cidao on 01 Jul 2013 05:47:24 AM
The reports runs correctly, but the results are incorrect. I think the problem could be the relations of union, within properties, but I´m not sure

Title: Re: Problems joining queries
Post by: blom0344 on 01 Jul 2013 06:42:04 AM
That does not clarify things very much. If you could describe what you are doing, then we could give advice.  Are you joining queries? Are you using a union set? What properties do you mean?  Cardinality setting of joins?
Title: Re: Problems joining queries
Post by: cidao on 01 Jul 2013 07:36:10 AM
Hello again,

sorry for my previouse explanation. Don´t worry because the problem is solved. I had a problem with the cardinality when I was joining queries.

Thank you for the attention.