I just install new version 10.2 of cognos server and transformer, but when i use cogtr command to generate cube file, it display preferences dialog, and i can't continue.
My command is:
cogtr -c -n2 -s -m"J:\Program Files\cognos\transformer\mdl\test_111.mdl"
Is there anyone face the same problem?
Please use the below command lines. It should work.
cogtr.exe -nologo -g"%CUBE_NAME%" -dMultiFileCubeThreshold=%MultiFileCubeThreshold% -c -n %Incremental% -m"%CUBE_MODEL%%MODEL_NAME%.mdl"
cogtr.exe -nologo -g -dMultiFileCubeThreshold=%MultiFileCubeThreshold% -c -n %Incremental% -m"%CUBE_MODEL%%MODEL_NAME%.mdl"
Thank you!!!