I've come across an interesting issue with Upfront NewsBoxes and automation...
to ensure that a newsbox is listed first, I have put a space in front of it's name ... eg " Prior Year" newsbox appears before "02-03" and "03-04"...
the issue that I have come across is that I have noticed that some of my automated processes see this item as "//NewsIndex/History/Newsindex", rather than "//NewsIndex/History/ Prior Year" ... it seems that when a space is used as the first character in a newsbox name then it is recognised internally as "Newsindex" ...
I suppose I could test for a space first and then work with the newsbox, but that's a bit ugly.... any thoughts on why this phenomenon exists would be much appreciated.
If you used an underscore instead of a space how does that sort?
thanks Blue ... underscores, dashes, dots ... all are fine ... just that damn space ... ???
If content sorting is what you crave, there might be a better solution. I'd like to refer you to an article yours truly wrote ages ago and which is available at this URL:
Have fun. I did.
Thanks Darek,
brilliant ... food for thought, thats for sure ... I'll have a look at this in a week or so and let you know how it goes.
thanks again!