Performed a side by side install of Cognos 10.2 next to 8.4. Exported/Imported content store into 10.2 and reports work fine. However, if I try to test any of the Data Source Connections, I get the error "BME-SP-0007 An unknown error occurred during execution."
The cogserver.log shows this error at the same time.
AuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login
Don't know what else to check at this point. Anyone else seen this error before or have any idea where I should start looking? Authentication is provided by Active Directory and I can sign in just fine.
AIX 7.1
DB2 9.7
WebSphere 8
Did you ever find a solution? I'm seeing the same error. The Oracle (JDBC) / Dynamic connection succeeds, but the Oracle / Compatible fails with "BME-SP-0007 An unknown error occurred during execution."
Cognos 10.1 with FP001 applied
Oracle DB
Apache Web Server
Sadly no, I'm still working on it. If I ever figure it out I'll post back here :)
Interesting. I didn't realize the the reports and queries are still working even though it throws the error when I test it. I also have another environment set up the same way that is working fine (same OS, etc). I guess I'll have to see if any other errors come up. It is frustrating though. This is my new Production environment, and I'd rather not have any errors at all.
I also have a 8.4 environment set up parallel to this install and am authenticating against LDAP. I didn't see any CAM errors though in the logs.
Finally got a fix for this issue, at least on AIX. Apparently the environment variable LDR_CNTRL isn't being picked up by WebSphere, but if you define it in WebSphere itself for the application server(s) hosting your Cognos application it seems to fix the issue. The value IBM had me enter is shown below, and this resolved the issue in all 3 of my environments. This is put into the same page area where the Javascript settings can be entered, and there's a hyperlink there for Environment Variables. Define it there.
LDR_CNTRL = MAXDATA=0x80000000
Hopefully this helps someone else down the road, took me a couple of months of troubleshooting, working with IBM, etc to get this fixed.
This is interesting are you running 64Bit WebSphere and AIX?
I have an open ticket with IBM Regarding a memory issue I keep seeing in Cognos - It happens once or twice a week - causes a Core dump in the cognos/bin folder
I am running AIX 6, WebSphere IBM HTTP Server with Cognos 64Bit installed but usiong 32 bit reporting.
The Cognos support team told me to put LDR_CNTRL = MAXDATA=0x80000000 in my environment but they had no clue where to put it.
So I asked the WebSPhere team and they told me not to put that into WebSphere as it would break my install... They told me this setting was only valid if you were running 32 Bit AIX...
So currently the PMR is stuck, The cognos team has no clue what else I should do and I have asked the Cognos and WebSphere teams to work out a solution for me - but this ticket has been open months now with no resolution so I have a feeling it will go no where...
You haven't had any issues with Web Sphere since making the change?
Yep, 64-bit AIX (7.1), WebSphere (8.5) and 64-bit Cognos (10.2)
So far no issues and it has so far resolved the data source testing issue. However, the 10.2 environment is still waiting to be cut over to production, so it's not getting much use as of yet. I will remember to keep an eye on it for the issues you've described in case things go south...
Thanks jdfischer I am going to go ahead and make the same changes in my 10.1.1 fp2 Dev environment to see if it fixes this memory issue I am having.