Hi all,
New and shiny Cognos 10.2.1 was announced yesterday (11th June 2013). Here is a link to the announcement:
Have fun!
we just setup this new release in our dev environnment.
A few helpfull links :
Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1 documentation
New Rave vizualisation must be download from here :
and install in the library template (can be access in the Cognos Portal , under "IBM Cognos Administration" - "Library".
BE AWARE. There is a horrible bug in 10.2.1 that causes reports using packages with more than 1 data source to prompt the user for a connection to be used, even if only only one connection has been defined.
Additionally, we cannot keep the system stable. Reports are queuing so badly that they finally halt the system. There have also been some changes to default behavior has been causing reports that require limited local processing to explicitly have that set when they didn't need to before.
All these problems came as a result of a 10.2 to 10.2.1 upgrade.
How's everyone else doing who is trying 10.2.1? We are about to start the process to put in our semi-regular annual update (testing first of course), and were thinking of 10.2.1 instead of 10.2. Maybe not if there are problems, though.
Quote from: arambau on 26 Jun 2013 05:40:23 PM
BE AWARE. There is a horrible bug in 10.2.1 that causes reports using packages with more than 1 data source to prompt the user for a connection to be used, even if only only one connection has been defined.
IBM have recognised this as a defect, but there is a workaround you can use until they issue a fix for it.
Log in as an Administrator, and launch the Admin console
Go to the Configuration tab and select Dispatchers and Services
Press the "Set Properties - Configuration" button in the top right corner of the page
Go to the Settings tab
Find the "Advanced Settings" entry and press the Edit link alongside it
Enter a new parameter called RSVP.CONTENTMANAGER.USECACHE with a value of cmcs (note, the value must be in lower case)
After pressing OK and OK, wait for a few minutes and the issue should stop happening.
We had the same issue in our PROD and DEV 10.2.1 environments. We did the suggested and it fixed the problem for small data sources.
Do you have a PMR where you got this solution?
We have been doing some more troubleshooting with IBM and BlueNet Tech today and we found out if we increase the "Maximum memory for Tomcat in MB" in "IBM Cognos Configuration" we are able to work with more users. We currently have it set to 4096; server is a VM with 12GB available to it. We have also noticed that the java.exe gets stuck at 2,497,600K when the reports stop displaying for users.
**Update 2**
10.2.1 has huge problem with cleaning the cache in the BIBus when reports are ran with mulpite data connection.
I would not recommend anyone upgrade to 10.2.1 until this issue has a fix.
PMR 04322,442,000
I am actually onsite with a client, and we are struggling to get this fix to work. How long does it typically take to kick in? Should we recycle the services?
Hi D,
Usually only three or four minutes. It will definitely kick in if you recycle the services. Just make sure you have the name of the parameter entered correctly:
The first time I tried it I had misread the parameter name and entered it as RSVP.CONTENTMANAGER.USERCACHE
Now you know why I am a muppet :)
IBM has told us that this is not a workaround. It is more like a small fix until they have a fix. It works sometimes if the report doesn't lock up the BIBUS.exe.
Hello All,
We are currently on 10.2. Is there any extra license cost in upgrading from 10.2 to 10.2.1?
No - no extra license cost. As long as you are taking support, upgrades from IBM are free.
IBM have introduced a couple of new licensing roles in 10.2.1 - IBM Cognos BI Architect and IBM Cognos BI User. These are in addition to the existing licenses and are aimed at new customers I suspect. They exclude the older studios - Query Studio and Analysis Studio. As an existing customer I wouldn't imagine you would want to move to these new roles (unless they offered you some cost savings).
We are on 10.1 and we are testing 10.2.1. We have found following issues
1. in FM, Trim command does not work. UDA-SQL-0043 The underlying database detected an error during processing the SQL request.
[IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0204 - TRIM_BOTH_SPACES in *LIBL type *N not found.
2. in FM,Cast from integer to Date does not work. UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "prepare".[IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0461 - CAST from INTEGER to DATE not supported.RSV-SRV-0042
our datasource is iseries
10.2.1 BIBus freezing up has been logged as a bug.
We've just installed 10.2 (.0)! Does anyone know if it is possible to use the visualizations (at www.analyticszone.com) in 10.2?
Quote from: longhorndkr on 06 Aug 2013 04:06:59 PM
We've just installed 10.2 (.0)! Does anyone know if it is possible to use the visualizations (at www.analyticszone.com) in 10.2?
Hi Dave,
No - sorry. They are only available in 10.2.1 (which is also known as 10.2 RP1). Before this, there is no option to use them.
Quote from: simonmeng on 29 Jul 2013 07:57:07 PM
We are on 10.1 and we are testing 10.2.1. We have found following issues
1. in FM, Trim command does not work. UDA-SQL-0043 The underlying database detected an error during processing the SQL request.
[IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0204 - TRIM_BOTH_SPACES in *LIBL type *N not found.
2. in FM,Cast from integer to Date does not work. UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "prepare".[IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0461 - CAST from INTEGER to DATE not supported.RSV-SRV-0042
our datasource is iseries
Hi all, first time post! :)
We're also having this same issue, its a bit of a nightmare!... Have fed back to IBM, am waiting a response.... simonmeng, did you ever find a solution???
Just hit the trim error message this morning. Anyone have any updates or suggestions?
I thought I read that with 10.2.1, when there is scheduled work, (cognos is down) that any scheduled jobs during this time will kick off when Cognos comes back up. I have work scheduled this weekend and need to know if I need to suspend jobs. Figured this was a good time to test, but would like to know for sure if possible.
Fisrt time post as well. :)
Hi Ivan,
Sorry for late reply. IBM suggested that there are issues with trim command and had ways to work around. However, we found issues in other commands like trying to cast data item to 'date' etc. So we gave up and install 10.2 instead. I would not recommend 10.2.1 at this stage.