It's that time again!
Who's going? Thoughts about the event? I notice they have a super saver discount this year to save a little extra money if you register before June 28th. It will be held again at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
I wanted to go but, my co-workers who have not been took my spot... :'(
Anyways always next yr. Enjoy LV!!! :)
A co-worker and I alternate years, and this is my year. So yes, I am going. I really enjoyed it in 2011 and expect I will this time.
And when I return, I will bemoan the lack of time to do all the cool things I saw presented. :-)
I got an email with an 'alumni discount' of $600.
I'm going! My trip is being sponsored this year, which means I won't have to sell my firstborn after all. It's a good thing too, my session proposal was rejected.
Last year was great. Good food, good people. Best of all - I got to chill with the awesome people from BSP.
It was a good thing I brought my suitcase instead of a weekend bag. The amount of stuff I took home was crazy. (30+ pens, a dozen books, lots and lots of toys)
bdbits, I think the alumni discount is ultimately the same discount you get from using the other company codes. BSP is giving some stuff away if you use their code when registering (G13BSPSOFT). A bunch of other companies also have codes, but it would be inappropriate for me to post them in a BSP site.
Paul, your proposal was rejected?! You would have been a "must attend" session for me! :'(
We've received promo codes from several places, but they are usually for $400. This one for $600 I received directly from IBM, but I do have to register by June 28th. Unlike BSP, it does not include any goodies or make me eligible for drawings, though. Unfortunately my management will probably prefer the $600 discount. :P
Quote from: bdbits on 10 Jun 2013 10:08:42 AM
Paul, your proposal was rejected?! You would have been a "must attend" session for me! :'(
I Agree -- Paul's session would be at the top of my list!
My session proposal was selected. I submitted with a customer which I am sure improved my chances :-) Of course now I'm terrified and thinking "what on earth have I done???"
Wow! Paul, I'm astonished your proposal was turned down by IBM. What were they thinking? :) I'm happy to hear you're going again this year - I could see the glee in your face as you went around the expo collecting all those goodies! :)
Lynn, it's a huge accolade to be chosen to speak at IOD! I am enormously impressed!! Very well done!! If I manage to get there this year, Paul and I can be your cheerleaders...
Quote from: MFGF on 10 Jun 2013 10:48:03 AM
... Paul and I can be your cheerleaders...
Maybe the skirts and pom poms will help me get past the nerves ;)
While I may be willing to join in on the cheerleading, I draw the line at skirts and pom poms.
Now if MFGF and PaulM are going along with that, well... the video on my smartphone is not too bad. ;D
Don't worry Lynn, I'm sure presenting doesn't hert, and I'm really looking forward to attending it! No pompoms though, as per my agreement with the sponsor I'll be wandering around in a giant chicken suit.
My session proposal was all about embedding JavaScript into Cognos. I'm in the process of converting my notes into blog posts. I've already done a couple. The next one is a function that will convert a standard radio or checkbox prompts into fancy animated slidey dropdown prompts. And another that will start/stop automatically flipping through a data deck on an active report in order to animate a chart (JS on active reports is a major pain!).
bdbits, the $600 off is just for registering before June 28. The alumni discount is an additional $100 off of that (though you have to email the conference to get it). Attempting to use the BSP code on the registration site returns:
Promotion code used: G13BSPSOFT
Promotion code name: Expo Invite BSP Software
Conference fee after discount: $1495.00 USD
It's looking like there's a possibility I will be at IOD again this year! It's not definite yet, but I'm taking an optimistic view :)
So... Paul, Lynn, bdbits and possibly me... definitely enough people for a party!
Hooray!! Keeping fingers crossed. Is your attendance conditional like Paul's in that you need to wander around dressed in a chicken suit or a muppet suit or some such thing? Could make for quite an unusual party!
Quote from: Lynn on 23 Jul 2013 10:55:23 AM
Hooray!! Keeping fingers crossed. Is your attendance conditional like Paul's in that you need to wander around dressed in a chicken suit or a muppet suit or some such thing? Could make for quite an unusual party!
It's quite possible I will have some duties to attend to, but I imagine I will be wearing something green and stripey for those :) Looking forward to seeing you there (I hope!) :)
The session list has been published! Check it out here (! It looks like there's only 1028 of them this year. 1028 divided by 5... 206 sessions a day should be doable, right?
Lynn, I'm looking foward to seeing yours.
Well they botched the description of my session! I'll have to see about getting that fixed. Overall I'm looking forward to it but rather nervous about presenting.
Quote from: Lynn on 01 Aug 2013 07:15:52 AM
Well they botched the description of my session! I'll have to see about getting that fixed. Overall I'm looking forward to it but rather nervous about presenting.
They did??? That's not impressive! If you know anyone from IBM you should get on the phone to them straight away and insist that they fix it! :) Either that, or change your presentation to match the description they published ;)
I fired off an email to the speaker people, so we shall see if they manage to correct it. The session is BBI-1186. They don't list the speaker names on any of the sessions.
The mistake is the reference to Query Studio and Analysis Studio in the last sentence. It looks like they re-worked the description using bits and pieces from our original proposal but managed to totally change the meaning! I will most certainly NOT be presenting about QS and AS in the way the description states!
I also pointed out that they wrote "youll" several times but omitted the apostrophe :-\
Quote from: Lynn on 01 Aug 2013 09:11:03 AM
I fired off an email to the speaker people, so we shall see if they manage to correct it. The session is BBI-1186. They don't list the speaker names on any of the sessions.
The mistake is the reference to Query Studio and Analysis Studio in the last sentence. It looks like they re-worked the description using bits and pieces from our original proposal but managed to totally change the meaning! I will most certainly NOT be presenting about QS and AS in the way the description states!
I also pointed out that they wrote "youll" several times but omitted the apostrophe :-\
Oh dear! I wonder if the editor was from Texas? :)
It looks like they've posted a link about the Evening Entertainment Event ( but I get a page not found message. Maybe they will be announcing it soon!
Quote from: Lynn on 02 Aug 2013 11:17:57 AM
It looks like they've posted a link about the Evening Entertainment Event ( but I get a page not found message. Maybe they will be announcing it soon!
Oh fun!
Fun for everyone! :)
I hope everyone who is attending this year has managed to register and address travel plans by now.
According to the Conference Agenda ( the Expo opening reception is on Sunday, Nov 3, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Anyone care to meet up at the BSP booth? Let's say 7:00 pm-ish, or else I'm open to other suggestions.
It would be nice to say hello in person and to toast our good friends at BSP who host this site.
That sounds like a great plan!! It will be a lot of fun to meet up :-) Count me in!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I'm game! I'll be the one with the silly looking hair.
Quote from: CognosPaul on 10 Oct 2013 02:27:22 PM
I'm game! I'll be the one with the silly looking hair.
Clearly you've not seen me on a bad hair day :o
Looking forward to seeing you guys!
This could be fun. I will try to show up, unless I post something truly embarrassing between now and then. :-[
I'll make sure to make what little hair I have presentable, so as not to be confused with Paul. Or Lynn. Or judging from his avatar, even MFGF, but then the white coat will give him away.
Update: ok, it's not white, but still he is very distinctive looking. :-)
Quote from: bdbits on 10 Oct 2013 02:32:34 PM
This could be fun. I will try to show up, unless I post something truly embarrassing between now and then. :-[
I'll make sure to make what little hair I have presentable, so as not to be confused with Paul. Or Lynn. Or judging from his avatar, even MFGF, but then the white coat will give him away.
I've posted embarrassing things on more than one occasion but I'm showing up anyway! a Muppet, a guy with weird hair and a nervous presenting lady are going to attent and enjoy the infinity joy of ibm at the same time?!
Man, im hoping they get some pictues shot this year :P
Another year, another IOD I don't get to attend. Have a pint for me!
I feel with you Grim..same story for the poor charon :'( :'( :'(
But i have a feeling Lyn, Paul, blom and mr. muppet are stil going to enjoy this event 8)
You know a thought just occurred to me. It might be fun sometime to try a Google Hangout or similar conferencing service for cognoise fans. Then people can join in from anywhere. I suppose time-of-day to hold it could be an issue, since people here could be from anywhere on the globe. Well, it's a thought.
Quote from: charon on 16 Oct 2013 10:51:11 AM
I feel with you Grim..same story for the poor charon :'( :'( :'(
But i have a feeling Lyn, Paul, blom and mr. muppet are stil going to enjoy this event 8)
I don't think Blom is going, sadly. Bdbits is, though. It would be really good if we all got to go and organised a big Cognoise knees-up :)
I'm quite determined to enjoy the event - even with my red hair and white coat! It's an eye-opening experience going around the Expo with Paul, witnessing how many freebies he can persuade the exhibitors to hand over. A truly astounding experience, in fact! I can't wait to see it again this year!! :)
I think we should try to get a photo of all the Cognoise gang who manage to get there - so you can see who to throw tomatoes at if ever you meet them again :)
I love the Idea with the photos and tomatoes, even though im throwing tomatoes at every- and anybody that crosses my way anyway ;D
Have a nice IOD guys!
Quote from: MFGF on 17 Oct 2013 04:28:42 AM
I'm quite determined to enjoy the event - even with my red hair and white coat! It's an eye-opening experience going around the Expo with Paul, witnessing how many freebies he can persuade the exhibitors to hand over. A truly astounding experience, in fact! I can't wait to see it again this year!!
Remember, the success of any conference can be gauged by the number of pens, toys, shirts, gadgets, and extra kilos you return with. Double score if you need to pay for a second suitcase on the flight back.
It's funny, I've been full-time IT since about 1990 and have received vendor goodies from conferences, classes, sales dudes, etc. I have recently been trimming my wardrobe and trying to de-clutter, and have been amazed at the amount of swag I've accumulated. If a well-dressed IT nerd can be defined by the amount of vendor clothing he can wear over the course of a week, I might win a prize. :o
The real success of a conference is winning a "grand prize". I seem to recall when I went to IOD two years ago, someone gave away a brand new Harley motorcycle. Kind of makes toys, gadgets, and clothing pale in comparison, and still I collect them and never win the big one. Ah well, all good fun.
Ok. I have set up a Cognoise meeting and invited everyone I know from Cognoise who is attending IOD. If you haven't got an invitation message on the IOD Agenda Builder site, let me know and I will add you :)
That was fun! Lots of sessions, good food, good people. By the end of the conference my feet were a jagged mess of blisters and calluses. Some of the stuff IBM is coming out with is astounding.
MFGF, Lynn, and I all had a toast (who can resist delicious dark chocolate liquor?). Next year more people from Cognoise should join in!
:P i agree with each point
It was HUGE fun! It was great to meet up with Lynn and Paul again and to make some new acquaintances too. Lynn's presentation was outstanding - the highlight of the conference for me. Paul brought along some chocolate liqueur which was excellent, and we had great fun in the Expo blagging freebies from the exhibitors. We never got to meet BDBits, sadly, but it was fun to meet fellow Cognoisers face to face. I hope more of us can make it there next year for the rebranded IBM Insights conference!
It was a great event! The chocolate liqueur from Paul and the chocolate candies from the muppet were wonderful unexpected bonuses! (Note to self: get to the gym ASAP!). I felt remiss for not bringing a delicacy from where I live in New Jersey, but pizza doesn't travel well over long distances I'm sad to say.
Apart from all the fun stuff, it is a worthwhile event and I always learn so much!
Unfortunately I had a bit of a travel snafu on Sunday and that is why I did not make it to the meetup. The biggest disappointment by far of my IOD 2013 experience as I really wanted to meet you all irl. Even worse, they only allow one of our BI tech team to go per year, so another person and I alternate. All to say, it will be two years at least before I have another chance. :'(
But the conference was good, as always. Highly recommended if you've never been. Where else can you get to talk to a product manager, his technical architect, and four of the developers in two different sessions?
Way too much food, I gained a few pounds again, and I think after all that walking I need a new pair of shoes.