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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: sruthi on 07 Jun 2013 06:38:02 AM

Title: How to filter a list and chart using single drop down list ?
Post by: sruthi on 07 Jun 2013 06:38:02 AM
I have requirement to make a list and chart respond to s single drop down list that contain static values (user defined values ).
The drop down list is populated with a data item STATE with values : A ,B, C,D.
I populated these static values by defining new data items in drop down definition and set mutilple variable values to each data item  correspondingly and used container filter of list to make the list to  filter accordingly.
Since the "container filter "option is disabled how can we make the chart to filter with the drop down list values ?
I tried using master detail relationship.i dragged a list and chart into the deck(not data deck) .But  the values are STATIC I CANNOT CREATE A MASTER DETAIL RELATIONSHIP.please help me out on this.

Hope iam able to convey my requirement correctly.
Title: Re: How to filter a list and chart using single drop down list ?
Post by: MFGF on 07 Jun 2013 09:34:32 AM

If your values for State are manually defined in your drop-down list control, you will need a deck with four manually defined cards corresponding to the four State values. You can link the drop-down list control to the deck with a variable (based on the card name).

On each card you add a list and a chart. The list and chart on the first card have a filter [State] = 'A', on the second card they have a filter [State] = 'B' and so on...

You only need master/detail relationships if you are using a data deck, and here you are not - you are using a deck.


Title: Re: How to filter a list and chart using single drop down list ?
Post by: sruthi on 11 Jun 2013 09:53:51 AM
Your solution met my requirement. Thanks alot. ;D ;D
Iam developing a active report dashboard. i have many mutiple tabs among which one have two charts and a list in them that should filter to the static drop down values .
i have global filters to which all  these tabs  should listen to.
Now iam trying to implement it in asingle tab.
i created 4 drop drop list .1st :group 2nd :sub group 3rd : sections 4th :date
i made them cascading .
i made the list to listen to these global filter. but how can a chart filter to these golbal filters. should i include an data deck ? please help me out ?
Title: Re: How to filter a list and chart using single drop down list ?
Post by: MFGF on 11 Jun 2013 11:30:33 AM

As of right now (Cognos 10.2) charts cannot be filtered interactively in an active report. They need to be pre-rendered when the MHT is created, and your control then chooses the card or tab with the relevant chart on it.

If you are using a tab control or a deck, you will need one tab or one deck for each chart. If you are using a data tab control or a data deck, you can master/detail the chart to the data tab control or the data deck and use your drop down lists to drive the data values.
