This is with relation to setting up a drill thru between AS and RS
I tried the _make_timestamp thingy, but RS gives me a sql error
oen of my cube dimensions is a time dimension. The years in it are coming from a framework manager query item which strips off everything but the years from a date field
the months in the dimension are coming from a another query item which is populated with Jan, 2007 Feb 2007 etc.
so, to setup drill thru I need to have a column in my report which corresponds to the codes being passed by AS which would be something like 200704 etc. (from the source value in Transformer)
So in RS, i tried a _make_timestamp (query item1, extract (month, query item2), 1) ...syntax is okay but on running the report, i get a sql error
any ideas?
this drill thru is driving me insane
If you are drilling from a Powercube time dimension, chances are the value being passed through will be a date range (even if real dates were not used in construction of the dimension). Have you tried the following:
In RS, code a filter based on a date, using the in_range operator and a parameter
eg [Order date] in_range ?dt?
In your drill-through definition, map the Month level from your cube package time dimension to the dt parameter.
Does this give you what you need?