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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Dynamic Cubes => Topic started by: torre2011 on 05 Jun 2013 07:33:59 PM

Title: Question on Dynamic Cubes Configuration??
Post by: torre2011 on 05 Jun 2013 07:33:59 PM
So my admin setup a sandbox environment and loaded 10.2 so that I could work on Dynamic Cubes.

I published the cube to the Query Service, and it started correctly, but when I attempted to build a report off of the cube and then run the report...i do not see any performance advantage.  This made me take a look at the metrics within the Dynamic Cube from the Query Service in Administration.  Here is where I noticed that the Data Cache Hit rate,the In-memory aggregate cache hit rate, and the Result Cache hit rate were all at 0%...this was after I attempted to run the report a few times.

I am not sure if this is normal!  If anyone has experience in configuring the Dynamic Cubes and Query Service...please let me know.

Title: Re: Question on Dynamic Cubes Configuration??
Post by: captainkarisma on 06 Jun 2013 01:34:14 AM
You will need to load your in memory aggregates to notice a difference. Othwerwise it will always make that round trip to the db
Title: Re: Question on Dynamic Cubes Configuration??
Post by: torre2011 on 06 Jun 2013 07:59:08 AM
Thank you for your quick reply!!

So how is the in memory aggregates loaded?  My Dynamic Cube is a very simple one, in fact it is a POC to demonstrate to the business the speed it should provide.  I have only one measure, but I have 2 very large dimensions where the measure needs to aggregate against...

Please advise if this loading is a step that is included when publishing the cube...basically when I build the cube within Cube Designer...I was under the impression that the data and aggregate cache was being created???

Title: Re: Question on Dynamic Cubes Configuration??
Post by: captainkarisma on 06 Jun 2013 07:47:39 PM
You will need to download and run the DQA tool. The in-memory aggregate definitions are loaded into the content store from this tool.
Title: Re: Question on Dynamic Cubes Configuration??
Post by: torre2011 on 07 Jun 2013 07:09:10 AM

So without loading the aggregate cache, I will not see any significant changes to the performance?  I just want to get clarity on this subject so as to better explain to my business!

As I mentioned, the metrics also show 0.0% Data Cache hit rate as that normal?