From what i understand, Cognos and Data Manager cannot use the Oracle 64bit client.
So when i try to connect to a data source in DM, it has to be with the 32 bit client, or i get an error.
Does that mean, that if i am loading in to Oracle, the Job Execution - Application Execution Mode will always have to be 32 bit?
Seems odd that, DM is now 64 bit but i can only execute in 32 bit?
Am i missing something?
No - it doesn't mean this. Yes DM can only use the 32 bit Oracle client libraries, but this is a facet of the underlying Universal Data Access layer, not of the "bitness" of the DM process. Data Manager builds can use the 32-bit Oracle libraries and run as 32 or 64 bit processes quite happily. The difference is in the maximum size of the memory pool your DM process can address at runtime - with a 32-bit DM process there is an OS-induced maximum of 2Gb memory per process, whereas this limit is not there when running as a 64-bit DM process.
Thank you for your response..
Perhaps i'm a little confused, when i execute a Jobstream and select the 'Application Execution Mode' Default/32bit, the job runs fine against my Oracle DB.
However if i change this setting: 'Application Execution Mode' -> 64bit i get an error relating to the datasource and client..
Data Manager v10.2.1003.159 (64-bit) -- (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012
jobstream -- start run on XXX (05-Jun-2013 13:30:10)
[PROGRESS - 13:30:11] Accessing catalog
DM-DBM-0402 UDA driver reported the following:
UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "ALIAS_0000000002844378" database. Check that
the connection parameters to the database are configured correctly. For example,
ensure that the data source connection contains the signon information, such as
a password, to connect to the database.
UDA-SQL-0532 Data Source is not accessible: "XXX".
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
DM-DBM-0306 UDA driver error connecting to 'ALIAS_0000000002844378'.
DM-CAT-0307 An error occurred connecting to the catalog.
jobstream -- failed (05-Jun-2013 13:30:11)
Press Enter to continue
I thought this was where i specified whether the job ran in 32 or 64 bit? I have a 64 bit engine installed so can i assume the JVM will natively just run in 64bit and that this setting is for the client to be used?
Hmmmm. Interesting! I don't have Oracle but I do have SQL Server. I can run a jobstream that uses the SQL Server client (ie 32-bit sqlncli10) and it works fine under both 32 and 64 bit application execution modes.
Here's something you can try. Assuming the same Oracle database is defined in Cognos 10 BI via jdbc, you could try accessing it as a Cognos Data Source in your list of connection types. That should in theory give you access to Oracle in a "bitless" state since jdbc takes no account of 32/64 bit clients. I'd be interested to hear if that works!
At present all Oracle client are set up via SQL*NET and use the client. I'll try the JDBC method and see what happens.
It does seem odd that 64bit does not work, i'm sure that i'm missing something...
Will give it a go and let you know, still suprising how little there is on the web around this....
It's sad, but I was thinking about this when I was falling asleep last night :) How is your data source currently defined in Data Manger - is it set up as "Oracle SQL*Net" or as "Cognos data source"?
When I was doing my testing with SQL Server, my connection was directly from Data Manager (ie the equivalent of the SQL*Net connection directly to Oracle.)
My data source and target were both set up using 'Oracle SQL*Net'.
Have managed to dig a little deeper...
If loading in to a 'Relational Table' (Insert Relational Table Delivery) either from the wizard or manually then the 'Oracle SQL*Net' is used and subsequently 32 bit is the only option,
However, i started using the 'Oracle SQL*Loader' and it works fine in 64 bit.
Quick note, i had to install the 64bit client (already had the 32bit client) and mimic my TNS entries for this to be able to work.
Not sure it's the answer i was looking for, but i can now utilise 64 bit. Unfortunately, the 'Oracle SQL*Loader' does not not have options like 'Select/Compare' or 'Key Cache' which makes delta processing slightly more lengthy to develop for what i am trying to acheive.
Oh well. Sorry it's not a perfect result - at least you are now armed with the facts :)
Good luck!!
Thanks again!