I apologize if this has already been covered. I couldn't locate a post exactly like my problem, but if I missed one, I'm sorry.
I have installed Cognos 10.2 64-bit and imported the report content from the 10.1.1 environment. However, when I try to run one of the imported reports, I get the error "QFS-ERR-0141 This report service is configured as 64-bit and only supports packages published with the dynamic query mode." I have researched this and I need to configure my report service for 32-bit. However, I cannot find anything that specifically tells me how to do this. My environment is a single machine install and it will interface with TM1.
If anyone has a good resource for how to do this, I appreciate it. I am new to administering cognos.
In your Servers COgnos Configuration screens in the Environment Area - there is a setting:
Report Server Execution Mode
There are 2 options 32-Bit, 64-bit
32 Bit mode supports CQM and DQM models
64 Bit mode only supports DQM models
Thank you so much! That worked! I was feeling overwhelmed because I kept finding sources talking about creating clusters of servers and creating a server group, etc. I have no idea how to do that at this point.
Thanks again! :)
Sorry to open this topic again. We are also encountering the same problem and as I searched for a solution I saw this post. I have read that the solution MMcBride gave worked for you. However, it's not that clear for me. May I know what exactly you did to make it work, redraven71? Thanks in advance. ;D
You will have to open the cognos configuration on the server/machine wheere cognos instance is installaed.
In Cognos configuration click on Environment tab, and have a look on settings being displayed in right pane. You will find one setting like "Report Server Execution Mode" ..here you need to change it from 64 bit to 32 bit , so that your CQM based reports will work fine.
Thanks for the reply sunosoft. I'll give it a try and I'll give you an update. ;) Thanks again.
It worked but the problem is I am using IBM cognos cube designer which requires report execution mode to be 64-bit. I have read that implementing cognos routing rules is the way to handle it. Thanks anyway. :)
Yeah. In that case you will have to use routing rules.
I have Cube Designer working with no issues and my Report Server Execution Mode is set to 32 bit.
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Hi MFGF! Can you publish on your Cube Designer without having any error? And does the reports that you made using that package published on cube designer doesn't encounter any error? Thanks in advance. :)
Quote from: ToriBurns on 24 Jun 2014 08:19:37 PM
Hi MFGF! Can you publish on your Cube Designer without having any error? And does the reports that you made using that package published on cube designer doesn't encounter any error? Thanks in advance. :)
Yes, I can publish cubes without errors. The reports from these cubes work fine too.