Do you know if it is possible (and if yes how!) to have both version 8 and version 10 plug-in for Planning webclient on the same PC? We are in the process of upgrading and some of the applications are still on Cognos 8. They run on different servers but this makes no difference, I don't think.
Many thanks,
Yes, it's possible. The newer client framework can hold both the c10 version and the c8 version
- Uninstall C8 webclient
- Install C10 webclient
- Install C8 webclient
I've only done this with automated installs (e.g. SMS scripts), by running the C10 cognosrcp.msi, the c10 contributor.msi, then the c8 contributor.msi
The tricky part is that you need to make sure the C8 version is completely uninstalled (nothing left behind in folders or the registry) before installing the C10 version.
Thanks for that SomeClown - will give it a go. Will be back if it didn't work! ;D