Is it possible to get a list of all reports, and their locations, saved throughout Upfront that are based upon a particular (or even all) cubes published?
We would like to know the if this can be do through a macro or even if there is a tool anywhere that could do the same.
My understanding of Upfront is that it stores all saved reports, for a given cube, are saved in the \\Imported Reports\<cube_name> folder. Is this the case? and is there any way to extract details like location within upfront or the title of the file?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
The following xml command can be executed to extract the list of reports connected to a particular PP upfront newsitem:
I've used this in a app, but it will also work by iteself as well:
sResp = DeCodeXML(objSourceUpfSession.xmlcmd("<DescribeNewsItem><Filter><select>UP.DataSourceId = '" & sSourceNewsItemId & "'</select></Filter></DescribeNewsItem>"))
objSourceUpfSession is an Upfront Session object
sSourceNewsItemId is a string representing the newsitemId to be searched for
sResp will be populated with xml representing the newsitems related to the sSourceNewsItemId
DeCodeXML is the following function:
Function DeCodeXML(sInXML As String) as String
Dim sResult As String
sResult = sInXML
sResult = Replace(sResult, "&", "&")
sResult = Replace(sResult, "'", "'")
sResult = Replace(sResult, " ", " ")
DeCodeXML = sResult
End Function
hope this helps:
Thanks greatly for your reply. It has lead me to finding how to query the Upfront server and get the information i require.
However the script keeps failing when executed. It fails at the point it queries the server. Login is successful by the way.
Below is the vb code written using Cognos Script Editor.
Sub Main()
Dim Upfsession As Object
Set Upfsession = CreateObject("Upfront.UpfrontSession")
loginresp = Upfsession.Login("xxxxx", "Administrator", "xxxxx", "Root User Class")
SourceNewsItemId = "fc8cb81805fd11d895c692951c656a0b"
msgbox loginresp
Dim sResp As String
sResp = DeCodeXML(Upfsession.xmlcmd("<DescribeNewsItem><Filter><select>UP.DataSourceId = '" & SourceNewsItemId & "'</select></Filter></DescribeNewsItem>"))
'sResp = Upfsession.xmlcmd("<DescribeNewsItem><Filter><select>UP.DataSourceId = '" & SourceNewsItemId & "'</select></Filter></DescribeNewsItem>")
'msgbox sResp
loginresp = Upfsession.Logout()
End Sub
This symtom sounds familiar ... try loggong off and exiting from the Access Manager Windows Comon Logon Server and do a describe on the item itself first, just to confirm that the item exists in the Upfrnt session that you are logging on to ... ie
sResp = objDestUpfSession.xmlcmd("<DescribeNewsItem><id>" & sDestNewsItemId & "</id></DescribeNewsItem>")
I'm getting application errors when executing the code through Cognos Script Editor.
Could it be that the string being returned is too big to be stored as a string?
no, I don't think so, I would expect an overflow message, or something like that if the string data type could not handle it.
Were you able to extract the details of the newsitem by itself, ie confirming that the ID does exist in the server that you're connecting to?
btw, I run most of the utilities that I build in VB.Net ... much easier to debug etc