Hi All,
I am currently migrating Cognos Planning from 8.3 to 10.1.(FP2) I think I have it mostly sorted in that 5 of my 6 applications have been migrated successfully and the users are testing away on this with no issues.
One application however is failing during the import. For some reason the export file from 8.3 is huge - around 2.5Gb. Another application of similar size and complexity imported no problem in about an hour and the export files were only about 350Mb. I can't understand where the difference in size is coming from.
Whether this is related or not the import runs for about 4 hrs then fails with the message
"Unable to import application 'datastores/qub-bud2/applications/income_expenditure' - the application may be corrupted, you should restore it from a database backup."
I have gtp'd and reconciled the application again and created a new deployment export but same thing happens. There are no other errors in the logs.
Wondering if anybody has any ideas or can suggest an alternative way to get this application migrated? If worse comes to worst we can recreate the application from scratch in the new system - but that's a last resort.
This is a fairly common error, but with many possible root causes.
1. History tables are too large in the 8.3 application.
> Truncate the rows from the history table from the application database, re-export the application from the source system and re-import into 10.1.1
2. Invalid client extensions.
> Delete the extintersection.xml and extintersection folder from the deployment package. File path example:
3. Security related issues.
> Rename the users.txt file to users.txt.old in the security folder within the deployment folder.
These are some of the more common ones. I would start with 2 and 3, if those don't work, then try number 1.
Appreciate the response - I have already truncated the history tables as the application wouldn't export at the start.
I'll have a go at 2 and 3 now and see what happens.
many thanks - that's worked a treat!!
the import finished in 3 mins - I manually added the security back in and all looks good.
Great! Sorry, I forgot to indicate that renaming the users.txt would require you to import the rights from the source application. Glad you figured it out! :)