Hello everyone,
I have an admin link that is to load data from an FM package into a contributor cube - the link runs fine, no errors but nothing loads into the cube. There is data.
Any ideas what I could check for what the problem is? I can map the dimensions in CAC without any errors. Any help would be appreciated!
To check,
is the Admin link targeting development or production of the application? If dev, you need to run GTP.
Also, which version of Planning is it? There's a couple of topics related to issues with Admin Links in version 10, for example mine with "Text format data does not show up in Planning Contributor 10".
---edit: ahhaaaa, the version is right there in the topic... :-[ anyhow, in the thread I mentioned it's discussed whether it's an issue with the 'size' of the link and ideas to split it to smaller ones. You might want to try that out..
To expand on Mr J's post, you can only target development with an IBM package as the source in an admin link, the production option is greyed out. Following the run of the admin link, a GTP will need to be run to load the values transferred by the link. Give that a try (if you're not already doing so).
Good point, eric, only dev..! Too few hours of good sleep -> should not login to any forum ;D
Thanks guys - I do GTP after the update. Tried it manually, with a macro - still no luck. Really weird.