Does anyone know if Cognos 10 will work on Windows 2012?
We are currently on 8.4.1 FP4 (BI) and 8.4.1 FP2 (Planning), and I am putting a case together regarding the need to upgrade to 10.1 since 8.4.1 goes out of support this Fall. Our infrastructure guys are saying they would like to see us use Windows 2012, but the current documentation does not even mention 2012. However, SQL 2012 is showing as active, so that is good...we can get off of SQL 2005.
Additionally, if you have any particularly great arguments for migrating to 10.1, please feel free to share those. We are not purchasing new licenses, so we will be limited in some of the functionality, from a licensing standpoint...
Will it work? Probably. Is it supported? Well, probably not, since it is not on the officially supported list. Sound like you've seen this, but:
If it is really important to your organization to use 2012, I would contact your sales rep and pose the question. Also, I suspect we will see 10.3 in a few months - before IOD - which I would think will support Windows Server 2012.
10.1 is a pretty big leap from 8.4. You are likely going to see a lot of performance improvements, for one thing, particularly if you can take advantage of the new query engine. You will have much better support for current browsers as well as mobile devices (10.2 would be even better). My memories of 8.4 are starting to fade, but I recall Report Studio is much better, and you have new tools like Business Insight (Workspace) your analytical users could fine useful. I guess to be more specific would depend on the features you have installed and your users actually take advantage of. But I think they would be happy with the improvements.
Quote from: bdbits on 16 May 2013 05:11:51 PMAlso, I suspect we will see 10.3 in a few months - before IOD - which I would think will support Windows Server 2012.
Just to clarify, this is your opinion and not anything official? I'm assuming so since it's unheard of for IBM to release info about future planned versions - even the version numbers. Personally, I would have imagined the next release would follow the pattern seen with 10.1 where we saw a "Release pack" branded as 10.1.1, but that's just my personal opinion, of course! ;)
Not at all official, not even a rumor I heard. It is just what I recall happening in recent years - new releases just before IOD.
So hey, maybe you are right and it will be 10.2.1 or something. Or maybe nothing will come before IOD. Only IBM knows for sure.
Hey, now we have a rumor - of our own invention! 8)
10.2.1 is already out and 10.2.1 FP1 came out a couple of weeks ago. We have upgraded and used Windows 2012 without any issues... 10.2.1 performs better than 10.2 and has a couple of new features, plus UI enhancements. We had the choice between 10.1, 10.2 and 10.2.1 and we chose 10.2.1 because of better environment support.
Sshhhh...don't tell anyone, and you didn't hear it from me, but there was a 10.3 limited beta invite a while back.
So chances are that 10.3 will be out this year. Maybe, possibly, nothing official....but perhaps.
November seems to be the release anniversary too. Just sayin...
Haha, I was thinking along the lines of the 10.2.X stuff since that original post, and here comes a "rumor" from a "reliable source" of a release just before IOD.
So say there was, hypothetically, a new release. What new features, hypothetically, might there be I wonder? Hypothetically, of course. Hmm...
Sadly I don't know anything more than that. Where I was decided they didn't have time to play with Beta installs. :(
Quote from: jeffowentn on 09 May 2013 09:24:58 AM
Does anyone know if Cognos 10 will work on Windows 2012?
We are currently on 8.4.1 FP4 (BI) and 8.4.1 FP2 (Planning), and I am putting a case together regarding the need to upgrade to 10.1 since 8.4.1 goes out of support this Fall. Our infrastructure guys are saying they would like to see us use Windows 2012, but the current documentation does not even mention 2012. However, SQL 2012 is showing as active, so that is good...we can get off of SQL 2005.
Additionally, if you have any particularly great arguments for migrating to 10.1, please feel free to share those. We are not purchasing new licenses, so we will be limited in some of the functionality, from a licensing standpoint...
Forgot to answer Jeff's OP.
2012 is supported in 10.2.1 in notes it says "Only support in 64-Exploit mode"
Found here:
When I read "64-Exploit mode" I thought "what, security holes are now a feature of Windows?". :-\
I had never heard of this term, but I found an article from IBM explaining what they mean when they use it. (