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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: shukscog on 06 May 2013 10:46:35 PM

Title: Cognos 10.2 on AIX Installation issue - JCAM_Crypto_JNI
Post by: shukscog on 06 May 2013 10:46:35 PM
Hi Gurus !

I am trying to install 10.2 on AIX. I started out with installing BI Server. It was a simple to install it on AIX as all we have to do is press next and it gets done. I had already set up the JAVA_HOME Variable to point to jre folder of the java installation (version 6.0). Also the LIBPATH to point to bin64 location of 10.2 after installation. However when I try opening the Cognos Configuration it gives the following error -
An exception occurred.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JCAM_Crypto_JNI (A file or directory does not exist )
You should re-install the software.

I tried all the solutions given on all the websites but no joy.
There is one odd thing about the installation which I wanted to confirm from you guys. After the cognos installation when I browse to "Cognos installation/c10_64\bin64\jre\6.0\lib" location, I can only find one single folder called 'ext' . However I think that this folder should be full with other folders (and files) as well. I have another 10.2 installed on windows and it has whole lot of other files at the same location. The setup files for cognos are downloaded from the website with valid license. I just want to know if there is something wrong with the setup files that I am using for the installation ? Could you please suggest any other point I am missing based on the error above ?

Kind of urgent and would be very helpful :)
Title: Re: Cognos 10.2 on AIX Installation issue - JCAM_Crypto_JNI
Post by: shukscog on 08 May 2013 02:43:00 AM
Got this one resolved and it was kind of my stupidity. Its clearly given in the installation and configuration guide. Well the problem was with my JAVA_HOME variable incorrectly pointing to 32 bit java installation.
I changed it to pointing towards 64 bit jre.
The other issue of only the ext folder existing in Cognos installation/c10_64\bin64\jre\6.0\lib - Well I checked
with another AIX Cognos installation and it was the same (Only ext folder within lib folder)  so I guess I'll let it go for now.
Hope anyone finds it helpful