Hi All,
I want to change the gateway from cgi to isapi.
1) I have changed the url in the configuration file and in the webcontent folder edited Index.htm and Default.htm to cognosisapi.dll
restarted the service in c10 environment I can see that the cognos url is working with both the oldone cgi and ISAPI gateway. How can I make it to work with only ISAPI ?
2) In c 8.4 environment followed the same steps as above but the new isapi url doesnt work . What might be the reason ?
I am using IIS 5.0
I would check/adjust your handler mappings in IIS - they need to be set up as CGI / ISAPI specific. IIS 5 is pretty old too - can you update to at least 7.5?
Thank you I am set now. Yes planning for IIS upgrade....
You're welcome - good luck! :)