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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: curious on 02 May 2013 04:11:33 AM

Title: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 02 May 2013 04:11:33 AM
I created a table with seven cells.
Each cell contains a list.
Each list contains one line with itemname, itemvalue, and a picture of a traffic light indicating whether the item value is good, neutral or bad.
When the list is clicked, a card in a deck has to be selected, showing more information about that item.

Although I made the list clickable, I can't figure out what I have to do, so the right card is selected.

Is it possible what I want, or should I stop dreaming.
Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 02 May 2013 08:08:05 AM
I solved this problem myself partly. I changed the properties for clickable regions from "list as a whole" to "parts in a list". Furthermore I added an item to the list containing the label of the card to select.

However, when I click between several lists, a list remains clicked when I click another list. So I can not click a list again. Is there a way to "unclick" an item ?
Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: RKMI on 02 May 2013 10:46:55 AM
Hi Curious,

Can you share your report spec? I can't tell what control you have already put in. Is you list controling the deck if so is it data item deck controlled by the data item in the list.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 03 May 2013 12:43:20 PM
At this moment it is not possible for me to share the report spec.

The situation is this

I have several lists within my active report,  for example one showing costs of personel, one showing total sales this month, one showing profit this month ...etc.
When I click somewhere on a the list I want the right list in the deck to show up with more information. So when I click on the list  the sales figure of this month I want the deck come up with the list showing more specific information about the sales of this months.

Actually I want the several lists (with one line) act like a radio button group. So far I succeeded with one exception, I cannot deselect a list once it has been selected. When I run the report while developing I can right click on the report and select "reset variables". All previously selected lists will be deselected then.
When I saved the report or send it to an Ipad there is no option to reset variables. Well.... I can't find it.
Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: tequila on 06 May 2013 02:58:51 AM
Hello curious,

mean you this?
Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: RandomHunter on 06 May 2013 07:16:59 AM
Hi Curious,

why not just make an extra list which allows you to reset the active report variable? Something like an empty all values button.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 06 May 2013 07:33:54 AM
Herewith I attach an example. Every number and traffic list on top of the report is a list. (so there a two lists)

Clicking on a list changes the card underneath.
By the way, I discovered that when I click the first list, and after that the second list, nothing changes. But when I click the last list first then the right card is displayed.

@Random hunter How do I make a list which resets the active report variables  :-[

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: RandomHunter on 06 May 2013 07:57:21 AM

you could add a card in the deck which is empty (or contains a text box to tell the user he can change the content by selecting a list from you group of lists), next you make a connection between the list and the deck so when the user selects the reset list, the deck will show the empty card of the deck. Try it, if all fails I have the xml and I can share it.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: tequila on 06 May 2013 08:28:29 AM

take a look at my report.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 07 May 2013 02:07:58 AM
Hello guru's

Tequila's example is indeed what I mean. However I still don't know how you did it. In my example the list stays selected, in your's it stays unselected. I will keep searching, but a hint will be appreciated.

Of course the xml of RandomHunter is welcome too.

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: RandomHunter on 07 May 2013 02:39:28 AM
Hi curious,

try the atttached code, maybe it helps, maybe not.

Title: Re: use list as control to select deck card
Post by: curious on 07 May 2013 03:04:54 AM
Hello to you all

Problem solved (so far I think) :)
Today I learned that in cases like this, I have to use the same variable_name for selecting the right card.

For an experienced user problably very dumb that I didn't , but i am still learning.
Thank you very much for your help and tips