Hi ,
Very recently I did cognos installation on my local machine. While doing install for sample data, tutorial mentioned that first I should copy sample data to deployment folder and then do the import.
Then it was suggested that package should be published. I am little confused here.
1 ) Why there is need to publish package if I am importing it using admin console ?
2) How actual deployment work in production ? Looking at the few videos on internet I understand that first there is need to export the package or folder from source environment and import the same into destination environment.
After import is there need to publish package ? If yes, how can you do that when you have two environment. Are Admin console for each environment are different ( distinct) from one another ?
Kindly advise. Thank you in advance.
If you import a package there is no need to publish it to that environment. A typical setup is to develop models , publish them to a development environment and export developed content to test/production environments.
As each framework manager deployment is configured for a certain Cognos environment it is rational to only publish to development and use export/import procedures to 'feed' other environments.