I am receiving a notification every time I log on to this forum that I have Personal Messages, however when I click OK it takes me to a page that says my messages can't be viewed at this time.
I'm a 'Forum Idiot' :'(, any help would be great.
Oops, my bad. For now only Global Moderators are allowed to receive messages.
Can anything be done about that message at login, then? Maybe delete the PM that is causing it? It' not really a big deal, but it is annoying.
Either that or make Chris a Global Moderator... :)
I think he deserves it. Chris you have been voted to Global Moderator level. Congratulations!
Jeez, that's a terrible time for me to take a hiatus!
Thanks guys, and I would like to also thank the Academy, and my manager, and my family, ... ::)
Hey! It Works!!!
Chris, that's $50 you owe me! ;)
Seriously - congratulations MDXpressor!