As I understand it, the recommended number of low affinity (LA) and high affinity (HA) connections for the Report Service (per process) are:
LA + HA <= 5, and LA>HA
yet when you do an install the default settings for the Report Service are:
LA = 8 and HA = 2 per process.
Does anyone know why the default settings do not match the recommended best practice settings?
FYI, I logged this same question on the official IBM Cognos forum site and was told by one of their legends (he is) that 10.2 can support the bigger settings. This may be so but their own 10.2 student training guides still say LA+HA<=5 is the recommended starting point. Very odd.
I have ridiculously high number of LA, HA connections after years of tweaking and testing to avoid jobs getting stuck in pending status so it doesn't follow one rule for all.
You have to play with your system resources and numbers to get a good balance.