I have the following issue and hoping to get some help on this forum. I have the following data items from the system:
Account Amount
4000-10(Revenue) $50,000
5000-10(Labor) $10,000
5200-10(Subcontracts) $5,000
5300-10(Marketing) $5,000
I then created a new Data Item that states: when Account in 4000-10, 5200-10, 5300-10 then name it as Net Revenue; when Account in 5000-10 then name it as Labor. So if I group and subtotal I can get totals per my custom data item and the grand total is essentially my Gross Margin.
My issue now is that I am trying to calculate % of Net Revenue for each of those accounts. How can I do that? When I try to Amount by Total (Amount) it gives me % of Gross Margin but I need % of Net Revenue.
Thanks in advance!
You can try something along this line, I forgot the full syntax off hand.
Instead of using total(revenue), you can use total(revenue for labor) this will give the total for labor revenue.
Hi yossiea,
Labor which is an expense line and I need to know what % is that amount of the Total Net Revenue amount. My issue is that I don't know the syntax.