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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: ramprasad on 20 Apr 2013 11:21:18 PM

Title: Bar chart lable alignment with Bar
Post by: ramprasad on 20 Apr 2013 11:21:18 PM
Hi ,

I 'm facing problem with BAR CHART where  X- axis label is not aligning with Bar.

Please let  me know how can we fix this.

Please see the attachment  to get clear understanding.

Title: Re: Bar chart lable alignment with Bar
Post by: DSR on 13 May 2013 01:43:52 PM
Try applying trim in the labels data item. I think there are some leading spaces or blank on your label column, that is why the name appears to be little far from the bar.

Title: Re: Bar chart lable alignment with Bar
Post by: ramprasad on 23 May 2013 05:33:00 AM
I found the issue. This is because i used extra data item to display x- axis label. I removed the data item then everything aligned properly.
