Hi Guys,
I would like to ask help on how do I configure our Cognos 10 BI to be accessed externally by our users over the internet?
I am quite new to this product and a step-by-step guide would be most helpful for me. Is there any available documentation on this that you can share with me?
Thank you in advance!
I will keep this failry high level, the details can be found in the Cognos Documentation.
Here is how I have my environment set up:
AIX 6 - 64 Bit Cognos installed - running 32 Bit reporting to support my Compatibility Mode models.
WebSphere on AIX - Cognos runs within WebSphere on AIX
IBM HTTP Server on AIX
Windows 2008 SP2 running IIS8 SSL
I use Active Directory Authentication - 5 Namespaces for 5 seperate and individual domains.
My internal users access my internal gateway - Which is all on AIX
My external users have access to a secure website using https that connects to my windows gateway.
So to recap
1 Cognos Content Server
2 Cognos Web Gateways - each pointing to the same Content server
Security is handled through AD - users must select a Namespace and Log on regardless of which gateway they connect to.
I do not allow anonymous connections internal or external - everyone must log in.
There are many different ways you can configure your environment to support an external facing gateway - I have just outlined the way I have chosen to support my environment.
The details to set this environment up are well... detailed...
The Cognos install and configuration documentation that comes with your software details everything out.
The AIX documentation is limited... Websphere and IBM HTTP server documentation are seperately and getting everything to work together was 'challenging'
Microsofts IIS documentation and SSL documentation was pretty detailed and easy to follow.
Plugging into 5 existing AD domains required a complete rebuild of my security model (I had been using the old Access Manager tools) - this wasn't too difficult but it was a lot of work to remap everything.
I know this is high level and you are looking for details "step by step guide" - this is not it :)
Hopefully this will give you a place to get started and some ideas on a way (one of many) that you can enable an external facing Cognos deployment.
Thank you for taking the time to help me on my concern. This will definitely get me a good jumpstart. :)