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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: on 17 Apr 2013 12:35:37 PM

Title: Cognos 1011 FP2 Scheduled and Bursted Report throwing DPR-ERR-2077 Error
Post by: on 17 Apr 2013 12:35:37 PM
HI Gurus,

We have bunch of Scheduled reports in my environment out of many two Scheduled & Bursted reports are failed yesterday with the below error message.

If any one has come across the same kind of situation please share me your thoughts.  Today I did not notice the same issue but still I am wondering about if I have the same issue again there would be remedy to get ride of the issue permanently.  Right now all I did was cleared the Dump/Temp Files and re-schedule the reports.

I am happy to share you more details if at all required.

DPR-ERR-2077 Failed to forward the request because the associated external process with PID 330100 is unavailable, either because the process is shutting down, or this was an absolute affinity request and the requested process does not exist anymore. For more information, enable the dispatcher and the external process detailed logs, and reproduce the conditions that caused the error. Handler trace back: [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.performance.PerformanceIn dicationHandler [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [service_lookup] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.engine.ServiceLookupHandl er [load_balancer] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [lb_forwarder] com.cognos.p2plb.clerver.LoadBalanceHandler [batchreportservicechain] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [warptask_with_authenticate] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [do_batch_warp] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [warptaskmtaChain] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.log
ic.ChainHandler [warptaskmta] com.cognos.pogo.reportservice.BatchReportServerHan dler

Title: Re: Cognos 1011 FP2 Scheduled and Bursted Report throwing DPR-ERR-2077 Error
Post by: MMcBride on 23 Apr 2013 11:22:50 AM
I am running 10.1.1 - no fix packs and we tend to see this error fairly regularly

Usually it is long running reports, but not always. I had hoped applying a fix pack or upgrading to 10.2 would fix this but nothing I have read leads me to believe this issue has been addressed in 10.2

We average about 30k report runs per month in my environment and we see this error a few times per day - so the percentage of reports is relatively low - and yes usually the answer is to simply rerun the report.

My best guess is that while a report was running Cognos decided to make room in the Bibustkservermain process for a different request - then when the original request finishes it has "lost it's way" resulting in the error.

I too am interested to see if anyone has a solution to this issue.
On the whole it's not a show stopper but it is an annoyance...
Title: Re: Cognos 1011 FP2 Scheduled and Bursted Report throwing DPR-ERR-2077 Error
Post by: kirkboy on 31 Jan 2014 10:55:41 AM
Any update on this?  We have 10.1.1 also and get this error periodically.
Title: Re: Cognos 1011 FP2 Scheduled and Bursted Report throwing DPR-ERR-2077 Error
Post by: thosas on 13 Jul 2015 11:38:09 AM
I too am seeing this error in a 10.2.x environment... did anybody find out what was causing this problem?