Is there any way to modify the portlet "Cognos Navigator"?
My goal is to remove the green arrows after the items which enables the user to "view the contens in a source aplication".
if you go into the properties of the Navigator (click the pencil in the top of the frame) and uncheck the Actions in the "Features to expose in the Navigator views:"
the green arrows as well as Action Items will be removed from the Navigator.
Hope this helps
Quote from: jguevin on 23 Apr 2007 08:12:24 AM
the green arrows as well as Action Items will be removed from the Navigator.
Thx for your reply! Sorry i´ve not mentioned that i need the item-actions BUT not this green arrows.
I´m hiding the public-folders tab and using navigator-portles in pages to let the users only acces the report-views, not the original reports... but i want to allow users to use the actions in the navigator-portlet. But the green arrows enables the users to browse the public folder too... and therfore i´m looking for a way to remove the only the green arrows.
Hope this describes my situation better.