Hi Guys,
Did anyone face this issue before? Till yesterday Active Reports was working fine. But today when I run the report after few seconds it is showing "the web page cant be displayed". What will be the problem? How to resolve this? Please helm me out in this. Thanks in Advance.
Hi Suresh,
Do you have a backup (or) a version prior to yesterday you might want to run that can check if the active report component still works. Else try to make a simple active report see if that gives you the same result. The reason I'm asking you to do this test to figure out if it's an active report issue or a web browser. This should help you start your debugging (I would also suggest to remove the cookies and history for your IE browser).
Hi RK,
Thanks for your reply. Already I tried all as you mentioned. Finally what I did I have uninstalled my internet explorer 8 version and then its working fine now in IE 6. I dont know what is the issue? But I want to use latest IE only. Please help me out in this.
So what changed between the day when thereport worked and the day when it didn't? Did you upgrade your version of IE to 8?
Within IE8, did you check your security settings? Also you need to check the Privacy settings.
Hi Chris,
From the day one it was in IE 8 only. I didn't change any settings so far. After this problem I have uninstalled IE 8. In IE 6 its working fine. Please tell me what i need to do?